Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

January 9, 2025


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Salida Sanitary District was called to order by President Gary Horton at 6:00 p.m. in the Salida Sanitary District Boardroom.  Other Directors present were Gary Dew, Lana Moore, and Brad Johnson.  Others present were District Manager-Engineer Antonio Tovar, and Secretary Linda Walker.  Attorney Dennis L. Hay was in attendance virtually.


Members of the public were invited to address the Board, but no comments were made.


The minutes of the last regular meeting held December 12, 2024 were approved as submitted.


Director Dew moved to accept the minutes of the previous regular meeting held December 12, 2024.  Director Moore seconded the motion.  Directors Horton, Dew, and Moore approved the motion.  Director Johnson abstained.


Bills of the District totaling $253,534.04 were presented for payment.  A motion was made by Director Dew, seconded by Director Johnson, and on vote unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 1787, “Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills.”


District Manager-Engineer Antonio Tovar’s staff report included the following:


1.      The District Manager reported that fats, oils and grease postcards were sent out to 1,746 District customers in the Northern portion of the service area.


2.      The District Manager reported that the three payments to APG-Neuros, listed on the Payment of Bills, relate to the purchase of a new turbo blower core; last payment of the five-year Preventative Maintenance and Emergency Services Plan, approved April 2019; and initial payment of the new, three-year Asset Management and Maintenance Service Plan, approved December 2024.


3.      The District Manager reported that Clipper Controls, Inc. made a mathematical error to their quotation to provide two temporary flowmeters in the sewer collection system.  The correction to the error will add $525.00 to the purchase order.


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned.








President of the Board